" LaFleur said fabric art traces its roots returning to women who worked with fabrics away from necessity..
She added that other forms of fabric art were developed by using crocheting and embroidering. "We have hanging pieces, three-dimensional creations in addition to jewelry.
I started sewing hanging pieces and still have been pursuing this craft from the moment. “For as long as you will find there's record, women were weaving, stitching, working with fabrics. Such ability as basket weaving and knot tying, better referred to as macramé, were also essential skills that evolved into other forms of fabric art.
Fabric art has come Fabric Air Duct quite a distance and is now pursued by many artists with chosen this special medium to express their creativity. From those roots cloth art began to emerge, ” the lady said. "
Could the intricate fabric be just as lovely without treatment, without enhancing the beauty of a sheet of clothing? It wasn't long before she found herself "playing around" using lace textiles. "I'm kind of inspired by everything, but for the man or women pieces,