Taran Und Der Findling
9783404204755 (3404204751)
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: The Chronicles of Prydain
A lovely collection of short stories set in the world of Prydain with some of our favorite characters and objects from the Chronicles of Prydain. Though one could certainly read these other tales before reading the Chronicles, you'd certainly get more out of it after having already read the main ser...
Quick read for an adult, but fun none-the-less. I loved the Chronicles of Prydain and this filled in some of the gaps. In the vein of Aesop's Tales or traditional fairy tales, these stories instruct you against pride, greed, and anger. A person is never too old to hear stories like that.
Realistically, this should probably only merit three stars as a book on its own. But these stories aren't really meant to be read on their own, it's meant to be read after the Chronicles of Prydain series proper. And as a last visit to the world, a fleshing out of various small bits of the backstory...
I loved the short stories telling more about the characters and the objects that were mentioned in the Chronicles of Prydain. Lovely.