Target Earth
Target Earth Target Earth is the continuing saga and greatly anticipated sequel of the award winning book, Earth is Ours, "Best" Fantasy/SciFi 2005 from the prestigious San Diego Book Awards Association. The beloved characters developed in the original story evolve and begin an exciting new...
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Target Earth Target Earth is the continuing saga and greatly anticipated sequel of the award winning book, Earth is Ours, "Best" Fantasy/SciFi 2005 from the prestigious San Diego Book Awards Association. The beloved characters developed in the original story evolve and begin an exciting new adventure as they defy monstrous, invading aliens dedicated to the total destructio
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Format: Paperback
9781933300726 (1933300728)
Pages no: 530
Edition language: English
Mr. Babb has done it again! "Target Earth" is the second book of the Earth Series Trilogy with "Earth is Ours" being the first. Mr. Babb has written this book, so that one can pick it up and start reading mid-series without feeling like they've missed something. He starts the book out with a detail...