Rev. 2C - This short ebook describes some methods to fight back against the criminals of the Deep State. It does not involve violence of any kind, but has been proven to be very effective. The yard signs shown on the cover are one method, which informs FBI agents. The CIA runs the microwave...
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Rev. 2C - This short ebook describes some methods to fight back against the criminals of the Deep State. It does not involve violence of any kind, but has been proven to be very effective. The yard signs shown on the cover are one method, which informs FBI agents. The CIA runs the microwave torture program, and the FBI is in charge of the gangstalking. If we can break down the Deep State, then the microwaves will stop. Wake people up to the serious government corruption, and the microwaves will stop. Just making people aware of the government corruption, can be “domino effect” that will break down the Deep State.One of the simplest ways to fight back is to inform FBI agents about 9-11, via There is enough information on the website, so that they can be certain that the CIA and Mossad were involved in the planning and murder of 3000 people. By doing this, you are turning their own agents against the agency. That's a powerful weapon.This simple yard sign can be a very effective tool. Place it along the public driveways that lead to the parking areas for FBI personnel at FBI buildings. Every major city has at least one FBI office. According to one whistleblower, about 50% of the FBI agents still have integrity and will respond to the obvious corruption. Other places to put up yard signs with, along public streets: Police Stations, Fire Departments, Government Contractors such as GE, Boeing, LockheedMartin, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Honeywell, Stratfor, Pratt & Whitney, SpaceX, and NASA facilities. These are smart people that will realize our government is lieing. And by doing this, you are recruiting whistleblowers that can do the most harm to the Deep State, without violence.To fight back, it must be done without violence. If you are considering violence as an option, then this ebook will not help you. The CIA criminals want you to commit an act of violence. This helps to drive their propaganda for a greater police state. The ends never justify the means.The FBI can be the best defense against the Deep State. There are many agents in the FBI that have integrity and an excellent sense of justice, even when their crooked bosses order it otherwise.For additional details on the Deep State and the Shadow Government, I refer readers to the recent information of CIA Whistleblower, Kevin Shipp. Mr Shipp has provided details on many of the horrific activities of the CIA and how they control all of the other intelligence services. They also control many members of Congress by paying large bribes to them, when they vote the way that the CIA instructs them. Mr Shipp stated that the Big 5 intelligence contractors are: 1. Leidos Holdings2. CSRA3. CACI4. SAIC5. Booz Allen HamiltonIf you live close to one of these contractors, please put up some signs about DrJudyWood, or something similar.The Appendix contains a link to Dr Daniel Lebowitz's presentation to the Senate Committee Hearing on Civil Rights abuses, regarding Targeted Individuals.
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