Paranormal Shapeshifter Erotic RomanceThis enthralling tale follows a young and naive woman, lost and alone in the blackened woods, caught between two beastly men; her childhood friend, who harbors hidden affections for her, but who may have stumbled into a life-changing ambush; a mysterious and...
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Paranormal Shapeshifter Erotic RomanceThis enthralling tale follows a young and naive woman, lost and alone in the blackened woods, caught between two beastly men; her childhood friend, who harbors hidden affections for her, but who may have stumbled into a life-changing ambush; a mysterious and enigmatic forest dweller with a secret, and a host of lurid, submissively sumptuous sex scenes!Adrianna and Adam are young, in love, and lost; taking what's supposedly a shortcut to a nearby party, the pair soon lose their bearings in the deep, dark forest, and before long they're scared and alone, their only company being the howling of wolves in the distance! Watched by mysterious purple eyes, they're soon attacked and torn apart by a group of otherworldly creatures; Adrianna runs, and everything fades to black... She awakens in the home of an enigmatic stranger, but comes to find out that he isn't as he seems... word count: 11,500
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