The anatomy of the large American fluke (Fasciola magna); and a comparison with other species of the genus Fasciola, S. St
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1894 Excerpt: ...als das Gew., MUndungswand s. quer, Spindel fast gerade herabsteigend, Munds. gerade. G....
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1894 Excerpt: ...als das Gew., MUndungswand s. quer, Spindel fast gerade herabsteigend, Munds. gerade. G. 9: 4, M. 4 mm. (Europa, Nordafrica, Nord. u. Westasien). habits, being found more frequently out of the water than in it. It deposits its spawn on the mud, which it generally inhabits, and not like its congeners on stalks and under the leaves of waterplants. It is found from Siberia to Algeria and Sicily, occasionally in elevated spots. 2. L. peregra (Muller). Puddle Mud Shell (PI. IV, Fig-3)-' Body yellowish-grey, with a brown or olive green tinge, mottled with black and covered with small yellow or milkwhite, and black specks: tentacles diverging from each other at nearly a right angle: eyes distinct: foot oblong, very broad, nearly truncate in front, and obtusely rounded behind." "Shell obliquely ovate, thin, moderately glossy, semi-transparent, yellowish-horn colour, irregularly striate by the lines of growth, and closely and microscopically striate in a spiral direction, with occasionally a few indistinct spiral ridges and pitmarks: epidermis rather thin: whorls 5, convex, the last occupying threefourths of the shell: spire produced and pointed: suture rather deep: mouth large, oval, very little contracted above by the projection of the penultimate whorl: outer lip thin, slightly reflected: inner lip folded on the columella and thickened, forming behind it a slight umbilical cleft: fold rather prominent and curved. L. o. 75. B. 0.425. (in.)" (8-20 mm. long by 4-10 mm. broad). "Var. 1. Burnetii. Body a little broader than that of the typical form, dark olive, spotted with opaque yellow: mantle nearly black, with a few paler spots. Shell rather globular and solid, of a dull aspect, yellowish brown, closely and strongly striate in the line of growt...
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