The Anomalies
The Anomalies is the story of five quirky nonconformists who come together to make sweet rock music in their small Midwestern town primarily inhabited by tiny-minded, walking stereotypes. Luster wants the ultimate form of the American dream—rock stardom—despite being a twenty-four-year-old man...
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The Anomalies is the story of five quirky nonconformists who come together to make sweet rock music in their small Midwestern town primarily inhabited by tiny-minded, walking stereotypes. Luster wants the ultimate form of the American dream—rock stardom—despite being a twenty-four-year-old man living in the ghetto with his crack-dealing brothers. Opal is a sex-crazed party machine despite being an eighty-year-old woman. Ember hates the world and wants to destroy it despite being an eight-year-old girl. Ray loves America and all of its inhabitants despite being a middle-aged, effeminate Iraqi soldier. Aurora is frigid and deplores young people despite being a sexy, Satan-worshiping teenager. And now these misfits have formed a band—a band so different, so utterly unpredictable that they might just be able to slip between a crack, rise above their small-town existence, tour the world, and in the process make us all reconsider our stale old conventions. Author bio(s) (up to 500 words or 4,000 characters): Joey Goebel was born and raised in Henderson, Kentucky. He has a BA in English from Brescia University and his short stories have appeared in two anthologies. He is the former lead singer of the punk band The Mullets (Higher Step Records) that toured for five years in the Midwest. The Anomalies is his first novel.
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Format: paperback
9781931561846 (1931561842)
Publish date: October 27th 2004
Publisher: MacAdam/Cage Publishing
Pages no: 205
Edition language: English
This book was recommended to me by a friend of mine, and I wasn't disappointed (thank youuuuuu!)Though I'm not a massive fan of books written from the point of view of a lot of characters at a constantly and rapidly changing pace, this was one was a tad different. I found it easy to read, fast to un...
Unterschiedlicher könnten sie kaum sein, und dennoch haben sie eine große Gemeinsamkeit: sie sind besonders, aber ausgelacht und verachtet von den normalen Menschen um sie herum.Die 80jährige Oma im Sex Pistols-T-Shirt mit regem Sexleben, das 8jährige Mädchen, das alles und jeden hasst, die hübsche ...