The Baffler No. 21
In the third and last issue of our revival year, Thomas Frank tells you how theory met practice in Occupy Wall Street (and drove it out of its mind), Rick Perlstein explains how Mitt Romney lies to be loved, and David Graeber asks whether it’s possible to think that you believe something when, in...
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In the third and last issue of our revival year, Thomas Frank tells you how theory met practice in Occupy Wall Street (and drove it out of its mind), Rick Perlstein explains how Mitt Romney lies to be loved, and David Graeber asks whether it’s possible to think that you believe something when, in fact, you don’t, or to think that you don’t believe something when, in fact, you do? (Answer: yes and yes).The issue delivers original writing on politics, culture, and media by Will Boisvert, Ana Marie Cox, Barbara Ehrenreich, Belén Fernández, Chris Lehmann, Jason Linkins, Josh MacPhee, Jim Newell, Alex Pareene, Dubravka Ugrešić, and Eugenia Williamson—plus stories, poems, and graphic art by some of the best writers, poets, and illustrators around. And finally, we bring you a previously unpublished waking dream by C. Wright Mills, “If I Were President.” Well, what would you do if you were president?Contents:Tower of BafflerOnly a DreamJohn SummersSalvosTo the Precinct Station: How theory met practice . . . and drove it absolutely crazyThomas FrankThe Long Con: Mail-order conservatismRick PerlsteinCan’t Stop Believing: Magic and politicsDavid GraeberCome On, Feel the BuzzAlex PareeneHigh Church Hustle: CNBC’s televangelistsJason LinkinsThe Dollar DebauchOh, the Irony!Chris LehmannInto the InfiniteThe Missionary PositionBarbara EhrenreichOther People’s ProblemsThe CodeDubravka UgrešićCities of NightBelén FernándezAnything for the Libor BoysChristian LorentzenCall of the Wild: Detroit on screenWill BoisvertThe Rod of CorrectionWho’s the Shop Steward on Your Kickstarter?Josh MacPheeNotes & QuotesThe Lying GameJim NewellFace ValueAna Marie CoxThree Odd WordsManohar ShettyStoryInvasion of GrenadaGeorge SingletonPoemsOr Why the Assembly Disbanded as BeforeRoberto Tejadafrom California Tanka DiaryHarryette MullenSummit MeetingTony HoaglandEquationsKwame DavisSong of Whiteout and BlackacheAilish HopperJewelerDante MicheauxThe Free WorldCamille RankineLuke Cool Hand I’m Your FatherFady JoudahTrifling BureaucraciesCreditCarmen Giménez SmithObituaryThe Alternative Press in RetrospectEugenia WilliamsonAncestorsIf I Were PresidentC. Wright Mills
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