The Bees
"The Handmaid s Tale" meets "The Hunger Games" in this brilliantly imagined debut set in an ancient culture where only the queen may breed and any deformity means death in which a devout young worker bee finds herself in possession of a deadly secret, and becomes a hunted criminal whose decisions...
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"The Handmaid s Tale" meets "The Hunger Games" in this brilliantly imagined debut set in an ancient culture where only the queen may breed and any deformity means death in which a devout young worker bee finds herself in possession of a deadly secret, and becomes a hunted criminal whose decisions will mean life and death for her entire hive.Born into the lowest class of he
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Format: Audio CD
9781483004082 (1483004082)
Publisher: Blackstone Audiobooks
Edition language: English
This book is the monthly pick for my sci-fi book club so at least a 1/3 of the way through this book I thought the bees were aliens, then I didn't think they were aliens, then I was back to thinking they were aliens, finally figuring out it's just about bees. I think I hurt my brain.So after finishi...