The Beloved Land
In this emotional sequel to The Distant Beacon, Anne and Nicole must travel great distances in perilous times to be reunited with their gravely ill and much-loved father. In the chaotic realm of revolutionary America, nothing seems secure for these "sisters of the heart" but their abiding faith...
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In this emotional sequel to The Distant Beacon, Anne and Nicole must travel great distances in perilous times to be reunited with their gravely ill and much-loved father. In the chaotic realm of revolutionary America, nothing seems secure for these "sisters of the heart" but their abiding faith and love.
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Format: paperback
9780764227226 (076422722X)
ASIN: 076422722X
Publish date: October 1st 2002
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Pages no: 288
Edition language: English
Series: Song of Acadia (#5)