Synopsis: Harry Bosch, a Vietnam veteran who served as a "tunnel rat" during the war, became an L.A. police detective, advancing to the prestigious Robbery-Homicide Division. However, after killing the main suspect in the "Dollmaker" serial killings, Bosch is demoted to Hollywood Division homicide, ...
The Black Echo is the first in the Harry Bosch series and is a classic police detective murder mystery set in Los Angeles. Bosch is a complex and compelling hero. A Vietnam veteran, he is bright, smart and capable, but also shows a lonely and vulnerable side to his personality. The mystery revolves ...
Inaugural novel in the Harry Bosch series. I'd read it years ago when it first came out in French in the early 90's. I was very fuzzy about the plot. I kinda remember that the bad guy was someone from inside. Still I remembered the twist just before the last chapter. Harry Bosch becomes even better ...
This series was reccommended to me by a coworker who knows that I like to read book series. Outlander, Sookie Stackhouse, Patrick Kenzie, Eve Dallas. Lincoln Rhyme etc - if I like a character I want to read as many books featuring them as I can.So far I like Harry Bosch. He's a loner, rogue detect...
One mystery I was unable to solve...exactly why is The Black Echo so darn popular?!?The Vietnam War never really ended, not for Harry Bosch. A former "tunnel rat" who fought most of the war underground, Harry now finds himself unable to sleep and unable to go into underground areas without sufferi...
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