The complete collection of The Bounty Hunter series two. The Bounty Hunter stories follow Burke, a veteran of the lost war for Earth, and Cass, an AI that embodies his advanced suit of power armor and their starship.This collection includes all six novellas of the second series and two bonus...
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The complete collection of The Bounty Hunter series two. The Bounty Hunter stories follow Burke, a veteran of the lost war for Earth, and Cass, an AI that embodies his advanced suit of power armor and their starship.This collection includes all six novellas of the second series and two bonus stories:Resurrection - The first in series two offers a recap of series one and expands the universe of the series. On the planet Liveria, a rain drenched cityscape covers the entire world. Criminals run unchecked in the lower levels of the city, where it's too dangerous for even the planet's authorities to risk investigations. Burke and Cass take the job of tracking and apprehending two escaped convicts that have carved their way through the city, leaving a trail of dead bodies in their wake. As with most of their contracts, however, not everything is as simple as it first appears to the bounty hunting duo.Soldier's Wrath - A slaver that Burke Monrow forced into hiding years earlier has finally resurfaced. Isaac Paxton, responsible for enslaving thousands, once escaped punishment. Now, he's taken someone close to Burke, luring him into what he knows to be a trap. A trap that Burke has no choice but to set off.AI's Rage - Cass witnesses the death of her partner, Burke Monrow, and the destruction of their ship. Her consciousness is reformed in one of ACU's most secret facilities and she finds herself a prisoner to those who first created her. She is told that she is a danger, that she is broken, and that she is responsible for the death of her partner. Immediately suspicious that her memories have been tampered with, Cass begins to infect the facility's network with programs of her own. What she finds will be the biggest trial she has ever faced. Smuggler's Peril - After being intercepted by the infamous pirate group Torrentus, the crew of the smuggler ship Freedom barely escape with their lives. With their cargo lost and a crew member killed, Captain Jess Richmond is forced to consider an unlikely alliance to strike back at her attackers. Burke and Cass are hired by Geoff to retaliate against the Torrentus Cartel. A plan is set to taunt the pirates into a trap--with Jess and her ship serving as bait. An arduous three month journey is required to sufficiently lure the cartel, and fills Burke with doubt. Will the ship arrive unscathed? Or will he and Jess kill each other before they reach the system?The Swarm Unleashed - When a ship carrying dross--the aliens that invaded Earth and still infest it--crashes on a remote planet, bounty hunter Burke Monrow is enlisted to help. After devoting six years of his life to the war on Earth, the mission is personal and brings back a barrage of memories. But tracking the tunneling aliens through a cold and unwelcoming planet becomes the least of Burke’s concerns. Caught between political and moral agendas, he will face betrayal, secrets, and lies, as he tries to stop the dross from ruining another world. Suicide Mission - The Torrentus Cartel is the most dangerous and successful criminal organization in human history. Built on the backs of millions of slaves, Torrentus has been a common target for Burke and Cass. They have blown up dozens of their ships and ruined even more of their operations spanning across every system in human space. Now, their victories have attracted attention.Two extra stories are also included in this collection:The Robot Impersonator - a sci-fi short. A stand-alone, light, humorous short story.Attack of the Dragon - The first part of the fantasy novel The Wizard and the Dragon.
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