The Burning Bush
Kenya Wright (author)
Set in a caged habitat, where supernatural beings have been trapped by humans, the dark fantasy Habitat series follows Lanore as she solves mysteries while struggling for equality in the face of prejudice among supernaturals. After Dante Bottelli’s slaughter of Vamp-owned Mixbreeds, Lanore and...
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Set in a caged habitat, where supernatural beings have been trapped by humans, the dark fantasy Habitat series follows Lanore as she solves mysteries while struggling for equality in the face of prejudice among supernaturals. After Dante Bottelli’s slaughter of Vamp-owned Mixbreeds, Lanore and Zulu execute a well-planned attack that hits Dante where it hurts the most—his pockets. But their attack triggers a chain of unfortunate events and allows Detective Rivera to blackmail Lanore, forcing her to investigate his case: the Burning Bush Murders. Someone has been tying girls to bushes and setting them on fire. Lanore must find the killer or Rivera goes public with his information—while Dante won’t take his defeat without a fight. He counterattacks and the Santeria habitat, as well as Lanore’s and Zulu’s lives, will be changed forever.
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Format: paperback
9780985023041 (098502304X)
Publish date: September 28th 2012
Publisher: Dragonfairy Press
Pages no: 427
Edition language: English
Series: Santeria Habitat (#2)
What a ride, and the end OMG I just need the next book like YESTERDAY!!!
Lanore and Zulu are pushed into retaliating against the Vampire Dante’s brutal slaughtering of Mixies – either they retaliate or their allies, the Rebels, will and they’re much less concerned by the casualties they may causeUnfortunately doing so escalates into a greater and continued war with the v...