The California Wife
In the sweeping, poignant sequel to "The Vintner s Daughter," the Lemieux family s ambition to establish an American winemaking dynasty takes Sara and Philippe from pastoral Napa to the Paris World s Fair and into the colorful heart of early 20th-century San Francisco. It is 1897, and Sara and...
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In the sweeping, poignant sequel to "The Vintner s Daughter," the Lemieux family s ambition to establish an American winemaking dynasty takes Sara and Philippe from pastoral Napa to the Paris World s Fair and into the colorful heart of early 20th-century San Francisco. It is 1897, and Sara and Philippe Lemieux, newly married and full of hope for the future, are determined
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Format: Paperback
9781631520877 (1631520873)
Publisher: She Writes Press
Edition language: English