The Christmas Angel
In this Cape Light novel, town mayor Emily receives an unexpected and precious Christmas gift on her doorstep: a baby girl. As the police search for the mother who abandoned the infant, Emily gains temporary custody of infant Jane and begins to wrestle with her yearnings to raise the child...
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In this Cape Light novel, town mayor Emily receives an unexpected and precious Christmas gift on her doorstep: a baby girl. As the police search for the mother who abandoned the infant, Emily gains temporary custody of infant Jane and begins to wrestle with her yearnings to raise the child herself. Her husband, Dan, struggles with his own mixed feelings about the adoption. A gripping novel about applying spiritual principles to daily life.
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Format: paperback
9780425211755 (0425211754)
Publish date: October 3rd 2006
Publisher: Berkley Trade
Pages no: 256
Edition language: English
Series: Cape Light (#6)
As the spirit of the season spreads through the seaside hamlet of Cape Light, town mayor Emily receives an unexpected and precious Christmas gift: a baby girl tucked away in a decorative cradle set up outside the church, with a note begging whoever discovers the child to take care of her. Now, in th...