Title In This Collection:- First Lady Dream a Little Dream This Heart of MineThis Heart of Mine Molly Somerville is a struggling writer who eschews the inheritance left by her father, which is managed by Molly''s sister, and her husband, who act like Molly''s surrogate parents.First Lady The...
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Title In This Collection:- First Lady Dream a Little Dream This Heart of MineThis Heart of Mine Molly Somerville is a struggling writer who eschews the inheritance left by her father, which is managed by Molly''s sister, and her husband, who act like Molly''s surrogate parents.First Lady The beautiful young widow of the President of the United States thought she was free of the White House, but circumstances have forced her back into the role of the First Lady. Not for long, however, because Cornelia Litchfield Case has made up her mind to escape - if only for a few days - so she can experience an ordinary life. Dream a Little Dream Rachel Stone''s bad luck has taken a turn for the worse. With an empty wallet, a car''s that''s spilling smoke, and a five-year-old son to support, she''s come home to a town that hates her. But this determined young widow with a scandalous past has learned how to be a fighter. And she''ll do anything to keep her child safe...Gabe Bonner has just about survived the loss of his wife and child. Now all he wants is to be left alone, especially by the beautiful outcast who''s invaded his property. Rachel
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