The Dervish House
Format: audiobook
9781455884643 (1455884642)
Publish date: June 19th 2012
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Edition language: English
I really, really wanted to abandon this book. There just isn't anything interesting about it. It's too short to break up into six different perspectives that change every few pages, and I didn't care what happened to ANY of the characters. I'm not even classifying it as science fiction. Mainly b...
a crazy mix of nanotechnology, Turkish culture, terrorism, financial chicanery and politics. good fun. The little boy Can, with his nano-robotic toy, is awesome. A group of old men, with their passions, secrets and regrets, play a nice counterpoint to the young hustlers trying to make it.
Momentami ciężkawa książka, jakby ten klimat dusznych, gorących Indii za ~50 lat przenosił się do mojego chłodnego pokoju w centrum Europy. Bardzo podobał mi się rozmach autora, który ma wielką wyobraźnię, a co ważniejsze, umie ją przelać na kartki papieru i pokazać innym. Rzadko czyta się książki s...
Me pareció un gran libro. Aunque es bastante lento y está lleno de detalles y descripciones, esa vividez logra que te intereses por la ciudad y por los tiempos en que transcurre la historia.Hay muchas ideas interesantes aquí, acerca de la sociedad, el terrorismo, la tecnología o la religión. Confies...
This book is brilliant. Beautifully written and well crafted. A love letter to Turkey. And many of the ideas and visions explored are fascinating. Now if only I could figure out why I couldn't wait to be done with it. One of the more interesting things about the book was that it tracked six differen...