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The Dervish House - Community Reviews back

by Ian McDonald, Jonathan Davis
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Tannat rated it 9 years ago
I really, really wanted to abandon this book. There just isn't anything interesting about it. It's too short to break up into six different perspectives that change every few pages, and I didn't care what happened to ANY of the characters. I'm not even classifying it as science fiction. Mainly b...
Viking2917's books
Viking2917's books rated it 12 years ago
a crazy mix of nanotechnology, Turkish culture, terrorism, financial chicanery and politics. good fun. The little boy Can, with his nano-robotic toy, is awesome. A group of old men, with their passions, secrets and regrets, play a nice counterpoint to the young hustlers trying to make it.
Barrita rated it 13 years ago
Me pareció un gran libro. Aunque es bastante lento y está lleno de detalles y descripciones, esa vividez logra que te intereses por la ciudad y por los tiempos en que transcurre la historia.Hay muchas ideas interesantes aquí, acerca de la sociedad, el terrorismo, la tecnología o la religión. Confies...
Folding Paper & Spilling Ink
Folding Paper & Spilling Ink rated it 13 years ago
This book is brilliant. Beautifully written and well crafted. A love letter to Turkey. And many of the ideas and visions explored are fascinating. Now if only I could figure out why I couldn't wait to be done with it. One of the more interesting things about the book was that it tracked six differen...
chadkoh rated it 14 years ago
Couldn't finish it. About 60% through and the initial excitement an novelty wore off. Maybe it was the casual way I was reading it? You need to focus when reading this dense book.
Books etc.
Books etc. rated it 14 years ago
was good at the beginning, i thought it would be something really special and then it turned too hollywood for me. especially adnan and his wife, because they are the heroes nothing bad will ever happen to them, everything they do will be succesful or even if not then the loss is not unbearable.ultr...
Blodeuedd rated it 14 years ago
I do not know how to review this book because it was so well-written, and the imagination of it all, and the knowledge of the city showed that he really had aspired to learn as much as much as he could. And even if I liked it, it was still too confusing for me to really get lost in it.There is so mu...
Breaking It All Down
Breaking It All Down rated it 14 years ago
This is a spectacular science fiction novel. Long story short, rather then re-tread my own writing on the topic, I'm just going to send you to my video review I recorded.http://blip.tv/countzero/book-review-the-dervish-house-and-my-definition-of-cyberpunk-5405844Enjoy.
Bun's Books
Bun's Books rated it 14 years ago
I started out not at all sure I was going to like this one. I've read a few books in the past year that seem to have some commonalities, they are set in the near future and they are intricate and interesting and full of literary craft but they are also pretty fascinated with the perverse, the brutal...
altheaann rated it 15 years ago
Cory Doctorow will not steer you wrong! ;-) He highly praised this book on BoingBoing and I decided to read it, even though I'd really disliked McDonald's Desolation Road.This is a completely different kind of book; I'd never have guessed it was the same author. And it is really an excellent book:...
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