The Dipole Dilemma
The Dipole Dilemma is the debut short novel from writer Henry Fry, an exciting sci-fi comedy taking place in the far future when humans have spread across the galaxy. The book follows the adventures of mediocre treasure hunter Zerach Dipole and his unfortunate friends as they seek the legend of...
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The Dipole Dilemma is the debut short novel from writer Henry Fry, an exciting sci-fi comedy taking place in the far future when humans have spread across the galaxy. The book follows the adventures of mediocre treasure hunter Zerach Dipole and his unfortunate friends as they seek the legend of the Pisces Ring, an elusive treasure said to be able to change one’s destiny. Along the way the group will meet many strange and wonderful characters and come across many unusual obstacles to their goal, but is the Pisces Ring worth the trouble?
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Format: Kindle Edition
Publish date: 2016-06-04
Pages no: 102
Edition language: English