When a self-conscious young woman discovers the boy in drama class is actually the immortal who painted the world into being, she becomes the target of another painter who hates humanity. The Earth Painter is a Young Adult Supernatural Romance set in the small mill town of Chesnee, SC. It...
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When a self-conscious young woman discovers the boy in drama class is actually the immortal who painted the world into being, she becomes the target of another painter who hates humanity. The Earth Painter is a Young Adult Supernatural Romance set in the small mill town of Chesnee, SC. It revolves around Holly Scruggs, who's family has just moved back to Chesnee after her dad lost his job along with pretty much everything they owned. Her image conscious parents correct her to the point of brokenness until she meets Theo. He is the artist responsible for all the beauty of the land and he thinks Holly is beautiful too. Together they will fight against Fritz, the water painter who hates humans and is hiding a secret under the high school.“WARNING: Reading this book leads to compulsive reading. Melissa Turner Lee is a master storyteller. The book blends modern culture with Lee’s fantasy world… The Earth Painter is an intriguing tale of romance, heartache, and friendship. Lee hits the nail on the head with many issues young ladies face through school today. These are timeless issues that, I believe, will be relevant no matter what age.”___Contessa Wright, MommyReviews
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