The Elephant Man
"The Elephant Man" is based on the life of John Merrick, who lived in London during the latter part of the nineteenth century. A horribly deformed young man, who has been a freak attraction in traveling side shows, is found abandoned and helpless and is admitted for observation to Whitechapel, a...
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"The Elephant Man" is based on the life of John Merrick, who lived in London during the latter part of the nineteenth century. A horribly deformed young man, who has been a freak attraction in traveling side shows, is found abandoned and helpless and is admitted for observation to Whitechapel, a prestigious London hospital. Under the care of a famous young doctor, who educates him and introduces him to London society, Merrick changes from a sensational object of pity to the urbane and witty favorite of the aristocracy and literati. But his belief that he can become a man like any other is a dream never to be realized.
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Format: paperback
9780802130419 (0802130410)
Publish date: January 19th 1994
Publisher: Grove Press
Pages no: 72
Edition language: English
Media Tie In,
Historical Fiction,
Biography Memoir
bookshelves: summer-2010, re-read, medical-eew, victoriana, play-dramatisation Read on August 22, 2010 ** spoiler alert ** A seriously disfigured man is rescued from a Victorian freak show. Bernard Pomerance's touching drama stars Gerard Murphy.Broadcast on:BBC Radio 7, 1:00am Sunday 22nd August...
A seriously disfigured man is rescued from a Victorian freak show. Bernard Pomerance's touching drama stars Gerard Murphy.Broadcast on:BBC Radio 7, 1:00am Sunday 22nd August 2010
Excellent drama. Moving, even with a bare script. The film is also great.