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The Falconer's Apprentice - William C. Oakes
The Falconer's Apprentice
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A Falconer's Guide to Training the Passage Red-tailed Hawk. A book for apprentice falconers wanting to know the basics of becoming a falconer. Shows a step-by-step approach to training your first wild caught hawk.
A Falconer's Guide to Training the Passage Red-tailed Hawk. A book for apprentice falconers wanting to know the basics of becoming a falconer. Shows a step-by-step approach to training your first wild caught hawk.
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9781885054036 (1885054033)
Publisher: EagleWing Publishing
Pages no: 178
Edition language: English
Non Fiction
Other editions (1)
Books by William C. Oakes
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