The Forgotten Queen
Set against the turbulent backdrop of 12th-century England, "The Forgotten Queen" is the tale of a warrior, Empress Matilda, daughter of King Henry I of England and granddaughter of William the Conqueror and her struggle to overcome political intrigues, prejudice, and the lover who steals her...
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Set against the turbulent backdrop of 12th-century England, "The Forgotten Queen" is the tale of a warrior, Empress Matilda, daughter of King Henry I of England and granddaughter of William the Conqueror and her struggle to overcome political intrigues, prejudice, and the lover who steals her crown. Available now.
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Format: paperback
9780965972192 (0965972194)
Publish date: January 1st 1998
Publisher: Writers' Block
Pages no: 420
Edition language: English
Series: Warrior Queen (#1)