The Grimm Diaries Prequels volume 11- 14: Children of Hamlin, Jar of Hearts, Tooth & Nail & Fairy Tale, Ember in the Wind, Welcome to Sorrow, and Happy Valentine's Slay.
* If you haven't read the series from the beginning, you can get the first book in the series for 0.99 here if all you knew about fairy tales was wrong?Warning: these Grimm Prequels are like snap shots of a magical land you're about to visit soon. I like to...
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* If you haven't read the series from the beginning, you can get the first book in the series for 0.99 here if all you knew about fairy tales was wrong?Warning: these Grimm Prequels are like snap shots of a magical land you're about to visit soon. I like to think of them as poisoned apples. Once you taste them, you will never see fairy tales in the same light again.Stories included in this bundle:10.5) Happy Valentine’s Slay by Wee Willy WinkieThe real Sandman Grimm sheds a light on what happened in Jawigi, and tells about how some of the teens in Sorrow spend their Valentine’s Day.11) Children of Hamlin by the DevilThe Devil tells the story of the Piper of Hamlin, who he really is, the historical events he witnessed, and his relationship to Ladle Rat. Most of all, why they call him the Black Death.12) Tooth & Nail & Fairy Tale by Jack MadlyJack Madly stole a sack full of baby teeth from Bluebeard’s enchanted castle, which reminds him of when he first met the Tooth Fairy when he was a child; a memory he wishes to forget.13) Ember in the Wind by the Little Match GirlAll the Little Match Girl wants is to sell her matches so she uses the money to eat and find shelter from the cold. But no one in the cruel city of crowded London helps her. Eventually, she learns something about who she really is, and it changes her life forever.14) Jar of Hearts by the Queen of SorrowThe Queen of Sorrow, still trapped in the Dreamworld summons Cassandra, the fortuneteller, to ask her about the identities of Lost Seven. The problem with Cassandra is that she’s cursed that her predictions will never be believed. The Queen is still determined to believe her, but it will cost more than she can bargain for. This Grimm Diaries Prequels are a number of short books in the form of epistolary diary entries. The diaries are more of teasers for the upcoming series: The Grimm Diaries, allowing you to get a glimpse of what to expect of the series. The 6 diaries are told by The Evil Queen, Peter Pan, Little Red Riding Hood, the Devil, Prince Charming, and Alice Grimm The first book in the Series will be out in April 2013, called SNOW WHITE SORROW.Series Description:The Grimm Diaries are pages written in a Book of Sand, where each fairy tale character confessed the true stories once altered by the Brothers Grimm two centuries ago. To keep the truth about fairy tales hidden, the Brothers Grimm buried the characters in their dreams to never wake up again. But the curse was broken and they allowed to wake up every one hundred years.List of the available Grimm Diaries Prequels:The Grimm Diaries Prequels volume 1- 6 Snow White Blood Rednarrated by The Snow White Queen2 Ashes to Ashes and Cinder to Cindernarrated by Alice Grimm3 Beauty Never Diesnarrated by Peter Pan4 Ladle Rotten Rat Hutnarrated by Little Red Riding Hood5 Mary Mary Quite Contrarynarrated by the Devil6 Blood Applesnarrated by Prince Charming7 Once Beauty Twice Beastnarrated by Beauty8 Moon & Madlynarrated by Moongirl9 Rumpelsteinnarrated by Rumpelstiltskin10 Jawiginarrated by Sandman Grimm10.5 Happy Valentine's Slaynarrated by Willi Winkie 11 Children of Hamlinnarrated by the Devil12 Tooth & Nail & Fairy Talenarrated by Jack Madly13 Ember in the Windnarrated by Little Match Girl14 Jar of Heartsnarrated by Queen of Sorrow15 Welcome to Sorrownarrated by Igor the MagnificentComing soon:16 The Pumpkin Piper
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