The Hood Within
In this suspenseful street tale, we meet a young boy by the name of Hood who finds himself on a quest to become a man in a troublesome world. Casted out of his home with nowhere to turn, he ends up with his close friend Calvin lending aid. Groomed by the street life, Calvin teaches Hood the...
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In this suspenseful street tale, we meet a young boy by the name of Hood who finds himself on a quest to become a man in a troublesome world. Casted out of his home with nowhere to turn, he ends up with his close friend Calvin lending aid. Groomed by the street life, Calvin teaches Hood the tricks of the drug trade in order to help him fend for himself. Jumping headfirst into the streets, Hood becomes more and more of a product of his violent environment. That is, until an Angel appears to guide him through a blossoming romance. Desperately trying to undo the damage that the streets made, Hood and Angel focus on his talent for poetry and attempt to use it as his way out. Yet, the first rule of the game is...once in, there is only one way out! Follow this classic drama and delve below the hardcore surface to get to know The Hood Within.
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Format: Paperback
9781512363494 (1512363499)
ASIN: 1512363499
Publish date: 2015-06-04
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pages no: 476
Edition language: English
Title: The Hood WithinAuthor: Hood ChroniclesPublisher: Worldhaven AgendaReviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: FiveReview:"The Hood Within" by Hood ChroniclesThat I liked about this novel....When I think this author has done it... he still manages to do it again! This story was really one well written nov...