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The Last Werewolf - Glen Duncan
The Last Werewolf
by: (author)
3.49 365
There's always someone's father, someone's mother, someone's wife, someone's son. This is the problem with killing and eating people. One of the problems.
There's always someone's father, someone's mother, someone's wife, someone's son. This is the problem with killing and eating people. One of the problems.
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Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9781847679444 (1847679447)
Publisher: Canongate Books Ltd.
Pages no: 346
Edition language: English
Series: Le dernier loup-garou (#1)
Community Reviews
Lora Hates Spam
Lora Hates Spam rated it
5.0 The Last Werewolf
by Glen Duncan This started out with a different tone than I usually see in werewolf novels. More of a crime drama or conspiracy story tone as it's established that with the murder of a werewolf in Berlin, the protagonist is the last of his kind and an organisation that hunts down and kills werewo...
Portable Magic
Portable Magic rated it
4.0 The Last Werewolf ★★★★☆
Most books that start out being a miserable read will stay that way. This was not one of those books. My relationship with this book began with profound irritation; the writing style was annoying, the characters were unlikeable, and the international espionage-like plot was the polar opposite of the...
Fangs for the Fantasy
Fangs for the Fantasy rated it
0.5 The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan
With the death of the Berliner, Jake is the last living werewolf. With the next full moon, he will be hunted and he will be killed. He’s actually rather looking forward to it. The centuries weigh heavily on him, he has little reason to go on living and even less actual inclination. Unfortunately, th...
A World of Reviews
A World of Reviews rated it
2.0 Last Werewolf
The writing style got on my nerves too much for me to enjoy it, and I wasn't a huge fan of the main character either.
Birdish Book Blog
Birdish Book Blog rated it
[Originally posted on tumblr on 14. May 2013] I finished Glen Duncan’s ‘The Last Werewolf' which I mostly read when I was sitting in public transport or had some time at work.Again, I don’t know a thing about genres, this is probably a lit fic though. The narrator (the main character at first, the...
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