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The Long Goodbye - Community Reviews back

by Raymond Chandler
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MissEdithSpeaksOutOfTurn rated it 13 years ago
I wrote in a status update when I was about half through The Long Goodbye, that reading a Raymond Chandler book is like walking through a fog and watching the landscape around you take shape as your eyes adjust. What you see at the beginning is only a hint of the overall structure of the story, and ...
Calyre rated it 13 years ago
En perte d'équilibre, j'étais en train de me lever quand il m'expédia un crochet du gauche très sec. J'entendis des cloches sonner, mais pas celles de Pâques.- Je connais des secteurs où je n'ai pas les flics dans le nez, capitaine, mais dans ces coins-là, vous ne seriez pas flic.Personne ne bougea....
globulon rated it 13 years ago
I just read "The Glass Key" by Hammett between reading this book and writing the review so there is probably some unavoidable comparison.I liked this book a lot and raced through it pretty quickly. I thought the characters were pretty much all interesting people with unique psychologies rather than...
Okazjonalnie o książkach
Okazjonalnie o książkach rated it 14 years ago
I read the book when I was fifteen. Loved it than. I must coem back now to "double check" my impressions. Anyone read it lately?
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 15 years ago
mp3 work. Priceless lines included!
kennethjmcginnis rated it 25 years ago
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