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The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia, #1) - Community Reviews back

by C.S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes
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Jenny's Book Bag
Jenny's Book Bag rated it 12 years ago
I love this series!
Get Your Read On
Get Your Read On rated it 12 years ago
It's Narnia! I have never read the entire series before, only the first few chapters of "The Magician's Nephew" and "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" So I figured now would be a good time to start reading them. Why not? I know it's a child's book but... damn. This is better than a few of the ...
BOOKWRAITHS REVIEWS rated it 12 years ago
“The Magician’s Nephew” by C.S. Lewis is one of those books I read just because. Because I’d read “The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe” when I was a kid. Because I always wondered what exactly Narnia was. Because I’d watched all the Narnia movies with my kids. Because it was sitting on my son’...
The Curious Curator's Book Blog
The Curious Curator's Book Blog rated it 12 years ago
Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed. A young girl meets a young boy who lives with his aunt, sick mother and excentric uncle in the house next door. As they explore the world that surrounds them, they inadvertently come upon the...
Some insignificant thoughts
Some insignificant thoughts rated it 12 years ago
It was...ok. The plot didn't seem as rich as in the previous books and the creation of Narnia stuff made me roll my eyes a few times.According to Wikipedia, this was Lewis' most challenging book to write, as he started it after The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to explain the lambpost, but change...
Devlin Scott
Devlin Scott rated it 12 years ago
I've wanted to read this series since I was a child but I never got around to it. I decided now's a very good time. It took a bit of internet searching to locate the author's chronological listing for the series (I should have checked my GR friends first. It would have saved me some time.) ;)Here's...
digitaltempest rated it 12 years ago
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe has for, quite some time, been a movie that I’ve enjoyed, and I’ve enjoyed in just about every incarnation of it. I first remember seeing the movie as a young girl on PBS. I had to be around 6 or 7 at the time, and I was completely enamored with the movie. Now, ...
Musings of a Bibliomaniac
Musings of a Bibliomaniac rated it 12 years ago
When a book written mainly for children, replete with a fantasy land full of magical creatures, witches and a talking lion, impresses an adult to the point of compelling her to give nothing less than 5 stars, you have to assume it's written pretty damn well. And damn well it is. I completely underst...
My Journey in Writing
My Journey in Writing rated it 12 years ago
I read The Magician's Nephew before I read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and it was fun to see Digory develop into Professor Kirke, although most other people got to experience it the other way around. I liked seeing the development of the White Witch into what she became. I also enjoyed the...
boghunden rated it 12 years ago
Jeg har valgt at dele anmeldelsen af min The Chronicles of Narnia bog op. Det er jo trods alt syv fortællinger.Jeg var super begejstret allerede fra første side. Der hersker ingen tvivl om, at det her er en børnebog, men det betyder jo bare, at der sker en hel masse på hver eneste side. Den første N...
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