The Mongoliad: Book One (Advance Reader's Copy)
Edition language: English
In the interest of full disclosure, I'm going to state up front that I do not like serials as a storytelling format. They're too episodic, too disjointed, too repetitious for my liking. I picked up this book and three of its sequels for three reasons: 1. It's an awesome idea with some intriguing n...
Apologies for any misspelled names in this review – after all, I did listen to the book.Set in 13th century Europe, the place is being over run by Mongols. A small band of warriors and mystics think they can save much, if not all, of Europe from the expanding Mongol horde. Of course, the Mongols hav...
In the interest of being a Neal Stephenson completist, I had to read this.However, I had doubts about the whole novel-by-committee concept and, sadly, I felt that those doubts were justified.The concept of the novel was good - it's got an interesting historical setting, a good mix of different types...