This volume presents two of V. S. Naipaul's earliest novels, already displaying his humour, endless inventiveness and imaginitive brilliance. "The Mystic Masseur" tells the story of Ganesh, who at the beginning of the novel is a struggling masseur at a time when 'masseurs were ten a penny in...
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This volume presents two of V. S. Naipaul's earliest novels, already displaying his humour, endless inventiveness and imaginitive brilliance. "The Mystic Masseur" tells the story of Ganesh, who at the beginning of the novel is a struggling masseur at a time when 'masseurs were ten a penny in Trinidad'. From failed primary-school teacher and masseur to author, revered mystic and MBE, his is a journey memorable for its hilarious and bewildering success. Naipaul's clarity of style, humorous touch and powerful characterization are all in evidence in this, his first book. Funny, touching and perceptive, this novel is a wonderful introduction for readers new to Naipaul's writing. Included too in this edition is another exceptional early novel, "Miguel Street", which won the Somerset Maugham Award on its appearance in 1959.
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