A man goes insane, shoots another man to death and then helps write one of the first complete dictionaries. What an odd way to enter the academic world!And believe it or not, those aren't even spoilers! Simon Winchester gives us all that right in the title of his surprisingly riveting read The Profe...
If you know me personally or almost personally, then you should be aware that I am quite mad. I have a heavy obsession with the alphabet, inventing bizarre systems that rule just about anything in my life and catalouging things. It is quite obvious that a book about a lunatic and creating Oxford Eng...
Interesting, emininently readable. I enjoyed reading it and yet in the end somehow it felt a little slight. More of an after dinner anectdote or an expanded magazine article. I don't feel like I really know the protagonists so much as I know a few interesting stories about them. That said, its we...