The latest internationally best-selling installment in the Joona Linna series sees him temporarily called back to the police force to solve a series of bizarre and increasingly horrifying murders. Detective Joona Linna is finishing out a sentence at Kumla prison for assaulting an officer in the...
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The latest internationally best-selling installment in the Joona Linna series sees him temporarily called back to the police force to solve a series of bizarre and increasingly horrifying murders.
Detective Joona Linna is finishing out a sentence at Kumla prison for assaulting an officer in the course of his last investigation when he is summoned to a meeting with the Swedish prime minister. The foreign minister has been brutally murdered. There's a chance more political figures could be targeted. The police need Linna to find the killer and neutralize the threat, so he's granted a temporary release from prison. But when another murder occurs, Linna realizes he's dealing with something far more complex, and far more terrifying, than anyone imagined. As the body count grows, Linna begins to understand that he can't do this alone and he reaches out to Saga Bauer, the young security police detective, for help. Now, together, the two race against time to unravel the killer's intricate plan before he can take his ultimate revenge.
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