For the first time in his long career as a master crime-fighter, The Shadow thrusts aside his veil of mystery. Not under one of his many aliases, but in his true identity, The Shadow reveals himself. In this battle against the underworld, the unfathomable past of the man known as The Shadow is...
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For the first time in his long career as a master crime-fighter, The Shadow thrusts aside his veil of mystery. Not under one of his many aliases, but in his true identity, The Shadow reveals himself. In this battle against the underworld, the unfathomable past of the man known as The Shadow is finally exposed. Narrated by Kevin T. Collins, Mark Boyett, Jonathan Todd Ross, Marc Vietor, Richard Poe, Joe Barrett, Susannah Jones, David Marantz, Nick Sullivan, Jay Snyder, Scott Aiello, Gabriel Vaughan, Richard Ferrone, Kevin Pariseau, LJ Ganser, Jonathan Davis, and a full cast.
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