The Sixsmiths are a family of suburban Satanists recovering from the global recession and Volume Two continues their adventures. Their eldest daughter, Jezabelle, has returned to the fold with a frightening amount of zeal. Meanwhile, recently converted Dennis O'Dowell finds that adopting a new...
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The Sixsmiths are a family of suburban Satanists recovering from the global recession and Volume Two continues their adventures. Their eldest daughter, Jezabelle, has returned to the fold with a frightening amount of zeal. Meanwhile, recently converted Dennis O'Dowell finds that adopting a new faith has not made him as cool as he had hoped. But when the church burns down the whole community is embroiled in a crisis. What hidden enemy has brought them this low? Or is the Dark Lord punishing them for their weakness? Its The Simpsons meets The Osbournes. "There's been a lot written about the banality of evil. And evil doesn't get much more banal than the Sixsmiths, a hardworking, loving middle class family who happen to worship the Dark Lord. Hilarious, profane, and even moving, the Sixsmiths is a book you should be reading. Or Lucifer will reap your soul." - Justin Jordan (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode, Spread).
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