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The Son: A novel - Jo Nesbo
The Son: A novel
by: (author)
The author of the internationally best-selling Harry Hole series now gives us an electrifying stand-alone novel set amid Oslo's hierarchy of corruption, from which one very unusual young man is about to propel himself into a mission of brutal revenge.Sonny Lofthus, in his early thirties, has been... show more
The author of the internationally best-selling Harry Hole series now gives us an electrifying stand-alone novel set amid Oslo's hierarchy of corruption, from which one very unusual young man is about to propel himself into a mission of brutal revenge.Sonny Lofthus, in his early thirties, has been in prison for the last dozen years: serving time for crimes he didn't commit.
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Format: kindle
Publisher: Knopf
Pages no: 336
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
XOX rated it
4.5 Prison break of Sonny, a son of a cop
Sonny is in jail and being framed for another crime that he didn't commit. His role is the confessor of the prisoners and he didn't speak and would give blessing. But then he break out of prison. He seems to have a plan. A third way through the book and I still don't know what the plan is. The...
Face of Book
Face of Book rated it
3.5 Wszycy jesteśmy s...synami?
Nie mam wiele do napisania o tej książce.Przesadą jest - jak przeczytałem w paru miejscach - nazywać ją moralitetem. Już bardziej określiłbym to "anty-moralitetem", gdyż próbuje nas przekonać, że wszyscy mamy coś na sumieniu. Ale jeszcze bardziej skłaniam się ku teorii, że po prostu w ten sposób łat...
XLeptodactylous rated it
3.0 The Son
Sonny Lofthus is in prison, listening in silence to the confessions of his prisonmates who are convinced he can grant them forgiveness for their sins. But one of them confesses something a little too close to Sonny's heart and all of sudden Sonny needs to get out; get out of prison, get out of a fal...
sylwiaaaa rated it
Zdecydowanie najlepsza powieść Nesbo.
0.0 Synowska krucjata
„Syn” to przede wszystkim kryminał. Jak więc mają się wyznaczniki tego gatunku w powieści norweskiego autora? Jeśli chodzi o intrygę, to potraktowana została dosyć swobodnie. Czytelnik od początku wie, kto zabił, ale nie zna motywu sprawcy. Wszystko wyjaśnia się wraz z rozwojem akcji. Nesbø jest jed...
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