The Tell-Tale Heart
"The Tell-Tale Heart" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe first published in 1843. It follows an unnamed narrator who insists on his sanity after murdering an old man with a "vulture eye". The murder is carefully calculated, and the murderer hides the body by cutting it into pieces and hiding it...
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"The Tell-Tale Heart" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe first published in 1843. It follows an unnamed narrator who insists on his sanity after murdering an old man with a "vulture eye". The murder is carefully calculated, and the murderer hides the body by cutting it into pieces and hiding it under the floorboards. Ultimately the narrator's guilt manifests itself in the
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Pages no: 12
Edition language: English
This was my first time reading Edgar Allan Poe, I know it is a shame. I'd been planning to read some of his works for a while though, ever after I read Ray Bradbury's story Usher II in the collection The Illustrated Man. Luckily, this short collection contained two of the stories that were very impo...
Edgar Allen Poe was an American 19th Century poet and writer, best known for his macabre and haunting short stories and poetry, his most famous being The Raven. This Little Black Classic contains three of his short stories, including the well-known The Fall of the House of Usher.As a well-rounded re...