Title: The Troop Who Wrote It? Nick Cutter aka Patrick Lestewka, author of The Preserve and The Coliseum, aka Craig Davidson, author of Cataract City, Sarah Court, The Fighter, and Rust and Bone. Plot in a Box: Every year Scoutmaster Dr. Tim Riggs leads a troop of scouts to an isolated isl...
I received a copy of this via NetGalley, for an honest review. The Amazon blurb reads 'part Lord of the Flies, part 28 Days Later', and I found this to be very true. It was an excellent study on adolescent male behavior and psychology in the setting involving a quarantined island and a terrifying...
What could be worse than being stranded on an uninhabited island? How about being stranded there with a deranged lunatic who is infected with highly-infectious parasitic worms. Not enough? Well, how about not just being stranded, but physically trapped there by shadowy military forces who won't let ...
I’m not quite sure why I requested this book when I saw it on NetGalley. I think I had something to prove, but, in hindsight, that may not have been such a smart idea. The thing you need to understand when you read this review is that I am a total wimp when it comes to scary stories. For some perspe...
Let's be honest about why I picked up The Troop in the first place. I love Stephen King with a fiery passion. So when I saw his blurb on the front of this book, and saw that Nick Cutter's book was compared to his, I had to read it. I fell head over heels for the marketing. I was hoping for something...
The Troop should come with a warning label: “Read at your own risk. Some scenes are so disgusting they may make you sick to your stomach.” However, that type of warning label might detract some readers from picking up this thrilling and terrifying story. To avoid the novel because of a few nauseatin...
I actually received this book as an ARC in return for an honest review and this book is definitely not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach as the "villain" in this novel is at times horrifyingly gross and the ick factor is overall pretty high. But it was still one of the best books that I ha...
This review and others are posted at Inspiring Insomnia.3.5 starsThe Troop is not for the squeamish. In fact, much of it is downright disgusting. If you decide to read this book, prepare yourself for graphic, merciless descriptions of oozing sores, bloody wounds, and worms squirming into (and out ...
There's a reason why I liked Clerks 1 better than Clerks 2. Two words : Donkey Show. If you've seen the movie, maybe you'll understand why I immediately had this thought after reading a passage in the book : So what, would you rather jerk off a donkey or fingerbang Kathy Rhinebeck?The Troop was my C...
What appears to be a routine camping trip for five teenage Scouts and their leader becomes a nightmare in the style of a classic Stephen King horror book. Let's step back a moment. I'm a mom. I do have a son in Scouts and he's about the same age as those boys. I literally had to think twice about ...
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