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The Umbrella Academy, tomo 4: Dallas - Gerard Way, Gabriel Bá
The Umbrella Academy, tomo 4: Dallas
by: (author) (author)
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9788467901085
Publisher: Norma Editorial
Pages no: 184
Edition language: Spanish
Series: The Umbrella Academy (#2)
Community Reviews
FatherCraneMadeMeDoIt rated it
For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-CycleSo I made the mistake of reading this one after having watched the first season of the Netflix show, not realizing that the show was based on the first two books (I read the first volume before watching the show). Therefore, I feel that my review may b...
beccabee rated it
I didn't love this book. I can't tell if it's my fault for waiting so long to read the second trade, or if it's their fault for confusing me.Let's blame Gerard, shall we?
dearmfield rated it
5.0 The Umbrella Academy: Dallas
Gerard Way should put Chemical Romance aside and write some more Umbrella Academy. The second surpasses the first one by a long shot. Literally taking out the president. This graphic novel goes down as one of the best.If you like Grant Morrison then you will love this.
Booklog rated it
5.0 The Umbrella Academy: Dallas
If there were six stars, I'd give it to this book. Way continues to deliver with the second volume of Umbrella Academy. The plot becomes way more complex and for a sophomore outing, this is one heck of an achievement. Way packs into six issues what Grant Morrison has trouble doing in fifty with far ...
Sesana rated it
I honestly didn't expect much out of Umbrella Academy, not because I had something against Gerard Way personally, but because I don't generally expect any musician to be able to skip format entirely and write a good comic. Way did it. This second volume of Umbrella Academy is, like the first, imagin...
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