The Woman Who Lives in the Earth
In Swain Wolfe's first novel, originally self-published, a girl named Sarah lives in a world filled with fear, mistrust, and hatred, in a time before modern machines or long after their fall. Threatened by a severe drought, the villagers come to believe that Sarah is an evil demon responsible for...
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In Swain Wolfe's first novel, originally self-published, a girl named Sarah lives in a world filled with fear, mistrust, and hatred, in a time before modern machines or long after their fall. Threatened by a severe drought, the villagers come to believe that Sarah is an evil demon responsible for their problems. She discovers her own power and redemption in a secret world
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Format: hardcover
9780060174118 (0060174110)
Publisher: HarperCollins
Pages no: 192
Edition language: English
A fable of redemption, set in a time when superstition was rife. The lesson of the story is that "a little child shall lead them."