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The Young Elites - Community Reviews back

by Marie Lu
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Rashika, The Book Owl
Rashika, The Book Owl rated it 10 years ago
The Young Elites is a hyped book. Hype is scary. This book is scary! What isn’t scary? IDK. But let’s get back to the book.When I first heard about The Young Elites, I was excited like so many other people. I loved the sound of it and I wanted to know more about this group of people who possessed sp...
Wortmagieblog rated it 10 years ago
Adelina Amouteru soll sterben. Für den Mord an ihrem Vater wird die gnadenlose Inquisition der Krone Kenettras sie hinrichten. Dass es ein Unfall war, ausgelöst von einer fantastischen Fähigkeit, die jahrelang unentdeckt in ihr schlummerte, spielt keine Rolle, denn Adelina ist eine malfetto – eine Ü...
anti-book-snob rated it 10 years ago
Good book. It took daring twists, had original world building, dimensional characters but... ...there was something missing for me. I hope I find it in the sequel.
Worlds Inside Books
Worlds Inside Books rated it 10 years ago
Scroll down for the review in English.Este libro me ha encantado y es uno de los mejores que he leído últimamente. Una de las mejores partes es que no es claramente juvenil. Tiene elementos juveniles, como la edad de la protagonista, pero también hay muchos personajes adultos, lo que le da realismo ...
rated it 10 years ago
Okay i went into this fully knowing that others hate this book. I wanted to have an opinion of it :)Well i did like the first 100 pages or so, then it just went down hill.The world building was pretty much non existent. Nothing was described very well.The characters didn't really grow.The MC was a b...
Lindsay's Book Log
Lindsay's Book Log rated it 10 years ago
A decade ago a blood fever swept though, killing adults and leaving the surviving children with strange markings and a few with powers. These children are referred to as malfettos, and blamed for everything wrong in the society. Though there are a shadowy few who's powers have brought them a level ...
Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories
Book Infoebook, 368 pagesPUBLISHED October 7th 2014 by Penguin (first published 2014)original title The Young ElitesISBN 0698171721 (ISBN13: 9780698171725)edition language Englishseries The Young Elites #1characters Adelina Amouteru, Enzo Valenciano, Teren Santoro SETTING Kenettraliterary awards YAL...
The WordSmithe
The WordSmithe rated it 10 years ago
Another slam dunk for Marie Lu! Adventure, romance, action and magic all rolled into one. "The Young Elites" is a creative page turner.I thoroughly enjoyed the characters in Lu's book. Adelina is a strong protagonist to sympathize with and even pity. Thanks to an evil father she ends up on a quest t...
Aprille Legacy
Aprille Legacy rated it 10 years ago
I'm still reeling from the ending. I LOVE WHEN AUTHORS BUCK TROPES.I need the sequel now. Holy crap. I can't even. Worst review ever. One of the most incredible books I've ever read.I started crying at the end and didn't friggin realise until I got to the epilogue. What even, Marie Lu. How you do th...
Dreamcatcher rated it 10 years ago
Rullo di tamburi, signori e signore, Nym ha una confessione da farvi: The Young Elites è diventato la mia nuova ossessione. *____* Lo avevo adocchiato da tempo, e in molti ne hanno parlato bene e come spesso mi accade questo è fonte di preoccupazione. XD Mi è capitato spesso che libri tanto osannati...
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