"Theodicy: Taking Back America" tells the true story of a conservative Christian veteran who found healing for his battle-induced illness by taking medical marijuana. Through his humorous and tragic autobiography, the author describes how an unconstitutional governmental invasion of his home led...
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"Theodicy: Taking Back America" tells the true story of a conservative Christian veteran who found healing for his battle-induced illness by taking medical marijuana. Through his humorous and tragic autobiography, the author describes how an unconstitutional governmental invasion of his home led him to the realization that America is on the brink of destruction and needs some radical solutions.-----Theodicy is a hard-hitting and controversial book. In this exposé, the author shares how, like so many, he grew up in the Christian church, but only came to true faith after years of trial, sin and hardship.As a combat veteran, the author gives a behind-the-scenes look into his deployment as a chaplain assistant with the 173rd Airborne Division—a time at war that took him into some of the most dangerous parts of Afghanistan during 2007 and 2008. He explains how this life-changing experience redirected the course of his life, as he became ill from toxin exposure while traveling over 8,500 miles in country. This war-induced sickness required him, a conservative Christian, as well as both a police academy and seminary graduate, to take medical marijuana to remain alive.After exposing his past and medical history, the author delves into the unconstitutional invasion and abuse of his family by the U.S. government. This assault on his liberties led him to the realization that America had morphed into yet another “de facto” government. As such, the author proposes multiple solutions to restore power to the American people, as well as reignite the “American Dream.” These proposals include:• A HERO-LED GOVERNMENT• A RAPID RESPONSE VOTING SYSTEM• EXTENDED, CONSTITUTIONALLY SECURED GUN RIGHTS• AN EFFECTIVE PLAN TO DEAL WITH AMERICA’S ENEMIES• CORRECTING THE INJUSTICE OF OVER-INCARCERATION• A TAX-FREE, NEW ECONOMY INCLUDING:• A STANDARDIZED INCOME• EMPLOYMENT OF EVERY ABLE-BODIED AMERICAN• FREE EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE • CLOSING THE FEDERAL RESERVEOverall, it is the hope of the author that, by God’s grace, America will, once again, be a nation “Of the people, by the people and for the people.”
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