Thin Air
Rachel Caine (author)
ASIN: B000U20VC0
Edition language: English
Series: Weather Warden (#6)
Jo had lost her memory at the end of the last book, and spends this novel trying to figure out who she is while also discovering she should be battling demons sent to basically destroy the earth. I've been impressed with this series as Caine has created a complex, sympathetic, yet strong character i...
I loved the start of this book. It's been long enough since I read the last book that I forgot what had happened with Joanne. I liked that even though some things were resolved, it wasn't a resolution tied up with a bow. Great series.
I usually don't read books in a series back to back. However, after that ending in Firestorm, I just had to continue reading. So I picked up Thin Air. Poor Jo! She really gets banged up a lot and in this book, her memories have been taken away. Imagine waking up naked and freezing and having no idea...
This is, in my opinion, the weakest of the series. Hackneyed plot devices dragged the story throughout the volume. Repetitions (for whose benefit) of key elements of her "world" and information from previous volumes hit too hard. A lot was boring and, in my opinion, lazy writing. Rachel does better ...
Read: 09/2010Re-Read: 09/2013I loved this book, it was incredibly intense, but I'm not sure I'd be as accepting as Joanne was concerning David and a certain demon. And Lewis, oh Lewis....