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Discussion: Series Vs Standalone books
posts: 11 views: 331 last post: 9 years ago
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I personally prefer books that are part of a series - I think it gives a better scope for world building and character development. But when the series is not yet complete, waiting is a complete torture.

Which do you prefer and why?
That is actually a hard question. I like both. Some books suit being a standalone. But I love series because I get to read more about the characters and what they are going through.
I much prefer stand alone books, mostly because I have a short attention span and I get tired of the characters and the scenarios usually after book one, although sometimes I'll go crazy and read book two haha! I guess I'm somewhat cynical and see some of these series simply as money spinners for the authors, particularly if I read them and think well, that could have been condensed down. There's so many books to read in the world, sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my time wading through a series of three or four books of basically the same stuff when I could be discovering something new.

But then on the other hand when you get attached to a bunch of characters you get sad to leave them behind! Like Harry Potter. That's pretty much the only series I felt that way about.
I generally prefer stand alone books. Though I can and do make the exception for shared world series. (Something like Final Fantasy or Star Ocean.)
I prefer series. I find the world-building is serious info dump if there is not more to the story than one book. With that said, I like to start a series after the last book is released. I don't do well waiting on the next installment and start flaking out and forget to read the ending of the series.
I like series that SHOULD be series. The world building gets better throughout the series, characters grow and develop into stronger characters or villains, and the plot doesn't drift from the set course. Series that add nothing to the setting...just plod along describing a small detail here and there about the world they are set in...are a chore to read. If the main character keeps a whiny/naive/flat personality, they do not get my love or respect. And when the plot is determined in the beginning book yet keeps going off into smaller plots that have nothing to do with the conflict as a whole, I don't even want to pine for the resolution.

A well written standalone has these elements as well but in a neat and concise manner. Whether it be a 300 page novel or a 600 page epic, great standalones sometimes are worth more than a series of five books. But that is just my opinion.
I'm with Craving. There are many series that I like/love, but there are also lots of good standalones.
depends. if the story is good. i want it to continue as in series but there are some stories which are best as standalone.
I actually like both. It only depends on the story. It is nice to read more about the characters and have a good character development and world building in a series, but some stories are not meant to be series. It's better to have one very good book rather than a long, boring series that could be fit into one book.
I actually like both which makes the choice harder... I think it depends, standalones tend to rush the story, when you notice it ended and you know you won't read about that characters history anymore even tho some standalones are better than a whole series. Series have a longer character development and world building and i like that a lot but some series are better if they would've been turned into standalones because they get boring and the story could be fit into one book. In the end it actually depends on the book.
This is so hard. I don't go for one or the other on purpose. I think stand alone books are nice because you don't have to commit to a whole series but sometimes the world building just isn't there, unless its a contemporary or something like that. I also think series are cool because you really fall in love with the characters because you've been with them for so long. If I had to pick, I would say series!
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