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Discussion: Introductions!
posts: 7 views: 261 last post: 10 years ago
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Since Jane only has six books, all of which I've read at least once, I'm really pretty open to reading in any order. I don't even necessarily think we all need to agree on the order.

However, it would probably be more fun to have a chance to discuss the books with other folks who are reading at the same time.

Does anyone have a preference as to where we start?

There is the publication order:

1. Sense and Sensibility
2. Pride and Prejudice
3. Mansfield Park
4. Emma
5. Northanger Abbey
6. Persuasion

We could also read them in random order. I don't really feel like there is a lot to be gained by reading them in publication order. Northanger Abbey was actually an early work that wasn't published until after Austen's death. Maybe others will disagree with me on this.

So, who is here, & what should we read first?
That would mean that we start with S&S. Which is fine with me.

This December is the 200th anniversary of the publication of Emma, by the way. Last year was the 200th anniversary of the publication of Mansfield Park, which is one I've been meaning to reread.

I've read S&S, P&P & Emma the highest number of times. MP, NA & Persuasion significantly fewer times.
I read P&P not that long ago but want to read it again at some point soon. I haven't read any of the others but bought all of them yesterday so I'm easy with whichever order other people want to get to them. I'm not fussy either way :)
If I had to choose, I'd like to start with Northanger Abbey since I haven't read it before, but I have no problem in starting with another one. Just let me know so I can start!
I really need to sit down and finally write up my review for my P&P reread - it's been wildly interesting because I'm seeing things differently from a different age, and my interpretations have changed a bit. So I can't wait to read more. Also there are a few I never read all the way (I'm counting the skim-read to keep up with class reads, because you're stuck with that pace) that I need to get around to.
I dug out my copy of Northanger Abbey, so ready to rumble whenever!
Reply to post #7 (show post):

Is it as good as P&P? I'm excited to start it :D
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