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Discussion: Future Reads
posts: 3 views: 1091 last post: 9 years ago
created by: Carpe Librum
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I think the random selection worked pretty well. Yay for decisions!

We can probably brainstorm for more titles at the end of the summer or in the fall. I wouldn't select the whole of next year in advance, but a few months is nice. It helps me find a reading slot among all my other books.
Reply to post #80 (show post):

That's what I was thinking. Maybe we can start doing 4-6 months at a time. I'm glad this will work better for everyone!
I'm definitely in for the September read - that's been on my radar for way too long. McCullough, yay!

I'll need to check out the other ones, too, but the September one is a definite!
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