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Discussion: Time travel: to when would you go? (just for fun)
posts: 15 views: 486 last post: 10 years ago
created by: Koolveld'sList
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All right time travel fans... Time travel isn't possible, probably... But if you could order some tickets at timetravel.com, to what time would you go? I thought it would be fun to share our ideas by answering the following questions:

To where in the past would you travel?: ...

Would you take a one way trip? (no return): ...

To where in the future would you travel?: ...

Mention one thing that would be very different there (socially, technologically, politically): ...

Are those ideas inspired by a book?: ...

- - -
I'll go first.

To where in the past would you travel?: I'd travel back 100 000 years to take a look at the Neanderthals. During that period both homo sapiens (=us) and the neanderthals existed at the same time. I think it would be fascinating to see "another branch" of human ancestry.

Would you take a one way trip? (no return): hell no.

To where in the future would you travel?: I would travel 150 years to the future. I think it would be very different but not totally alien.

Mention one thing that would be very different there (socially, technologically, politically): I think old people would be in charge of politics and I think it will be a good thing.

Are those ideas inspired by a book?: no

I'm looking forward to your answers!
And don't forget to mention it if you are going to cause paradoxes or big changes in history! :)
I won't send you the time travel tickets to Woodstock unless you answer all questions :)
(On the other hand if I remember the documentary correctly, those people used a seriously big amount of drugs!)
You would spy on yourself 5 years in the future and adjust your direction? Great! :) If you made the right investments you would probably get rich by helping the totalitarians. That sounds a lot like tv series Continuum lol. On the other hand if you became a really rich person in a revolutionary/anarchist society that would be fun. Unless one of those Robin Hoods stole your money!
To where in the past would you travel?: ... I would totally love to travel to every time and place in the past -- it would probably be most easily expedited by being associated as an historian with university studies as in the Connie Willis time travel universe.

Would you take a one way trip? (no return): ... No way, unless I had lost everyone here, and found a place elsewhere where I felt at home.

To where in the future would you travel?: ... Once again, I wouldn't exclude myself to one time and place. I want to see it all. Except I'm not sure I'd look into my own personal future -- I'm sure I'd give that a skip.

Mention one thing that would be very different there (socially, technologically, politically): ... I like the scenarios both of you mentioned. I'd love it if I saw a future where war didn't exist, food, water, good health and technology was easily accessible by everyone, and security and happiness was pervasive. (Everybody can gag now.)

Are those ideas inspired by a book?: ... And like Lara said, every TT book I've ever read influences my wishes.

Point of interest: one of the producers of Continuum is the daughter is one of my high school classmates. When Francine told me that, I squeeeeeed.
Btw, Koolveld, cool question.
In that case the daughter of RedTHaws's classmate did a great job :)
Reply to post #9 (show post):

I did. We'll see if it works.
Hey RedTHaws, but if you had only 2 tickets for your time travel machine. Which time in the past and future would you visit?
Reply to post #12 (show post):

You really want to make it difficult, don't you? I don't like to be painted into corners, but here's something off the top of my head.

Future, I'd choose the Hollow World future. I'm not sure how many years forward that is, but a lot.
Past., I'm thinking the Renaissance might be interesting. Or hanging out with the Anasazis. I've narrowed it down to two-- that's pretty good.
To where in the past would you travel?: ...

That's a tough one, as there are lots of eras I would like to visit. As I have to choose just one, though, it would probably be the 18th century. The early 20th century would be a close second, though.

Would you take a one way trip? (no return): ...

I would have before I got married and had a son; now, no.

To where in the future would you travel?: ...

I would jump ahead about a century. I would really love to discover how everything today turns out.

Mention one thing that would be very different there (socially, technologically, politically): ...

Different in the past, or the future? Just about everything would be different; our civilizations are always evolving.

Are those ideas inspired by a book?: ...

Of course they are! Reading is the best way of time travel until somebody invents a TARDIS.
Reply to post #15 (show post):

Or there's morlocks.
Reply to post #14 (show post):

markk, good answers.
Nice choices!

Lora'sRants wrote: "I would be worried about going too far in the future. Might find the planet got destroyed and is all volcanic again, or completely gone." 

It seems no one dares to go further than 150 years in the future. That's strange because on a podcast I heard an astronomer say that the Earth would be habitable for another 500 000 000 years (after which the sun's life cycle will make things too hot). 500 million years will be enough for civilization to start over many times, if necessary. And considering that the dino's are only gone for 65 million years, 500 million is enough for the apes to take over :)
Thanks, RedTHaws, for posting the link.

To where in the past would you travel?:
Middle of the 19th century, England. It was a time of prosperity and an explosion of the arts there. Call me boring, but I don't want to go anywhere/anywhen with wars or revolutions. Give me peace and quiet any time.

Would you take a one way trip? (no return): NO!

To where in the future would you travel?: About 200 years into the future.

Mention one thing that would be very different there (socially, technologically, politically): I hope all the current political and military crises would be over. No terrorists, not explosions. One can hope, right? Maybe they would even find a cure for cancer... :)

Are those ideas inspired by a book?: No.
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