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Discussion: Inviting Facebook Friends?
posts: 5 views: 362 last post: 10 years ago
created by: Rosie's Books
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How can we invite Facebook friends to get a Booklikes Account. I remember before it would show at the top of the page and it would send them an invite to Booklikes but now it is not there anymore. Anyone who knows please help, it would be much appreciated.
Facebook have, "API's" that allow other systems to talk with theirs, and for developers to make cool software that adds bonus stuff to Facebook that Facebook wouldn't otherwise program themselves. They are opening and closing them after some things lead to abuses; like spammers flooding people's feeds ... so it is highly likely (although I don't know for sure) that the API that allowed BookLikes to do this, probably got shut down.
Hi, sorry for this inconvenience. We're investigating the issue. As Michelle said it's on Facebook's end. Recently FB has done big number of huge changes to theirs API reducing some of the past options due to privacy policy changes. Our engineers are keeping eye on the issue and working on the best possible solutions. We'll keep you updated about the progress.

We all hope that this little obstacle won't get into your way of having fun on BookLikes. You can still invite your friends with the Invite box, it's available on the Friends page, Invite friends tab. Paste the e-mail address and hit Invite - your friend will receive an invite e-mail from you to check out BookLikes.
Thank you BookLikes, I will use the Invite friends tab and although I miss being able send invites to Facebook directly this in no way causes me not to have fun here. :-)
Great to hear this. If you need more invites, please let us know :)
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