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Discussion: 2016-07-01 - 2016-07-31: The Colour of Poison: A Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery (Volume 1) - Toni
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created by: Carpe Librum
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The Colour of Poison: A Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery (Volume 1) - Toni Mount
Reading start: 2016-07-01
Reading finish: 2016-07-31
Who is reading this month's selection? I've just started it and am enjoying it so far. :-)
I loved this book! Anyone else reading it? Sebastian could be a young Matthew Shardlake.
Reply to post #2 (show post):

Well, it sounds interesting and made my TBR, but I'm busy with another historical novel just now ... (reached the final 100 pages and still loving it -- more so than "Plantagenet Princess," in fact. Your writing just keeps getting better and better.)

That said, "a young Shardlake" sounds very promising indeed! :)
Aww, thanks!

The writing style is definitely different from Sansom's with quick scene and point of view changes, but the deep characters and historical detail makes me think of that series, along with some major similarities between the main characters.
I don't think my library has this one, unfortunately - I'm intrigued.
I loved it. The sequel to this is one that I will make sure I get as soon as it comes out. Do you not do any reading on Kindle, Susanna? I know it's available through KU & KOLL.
Oh, is it available in ebook form? Will have to check that out then. (Yes, I have a kindle, which I love. For the last couple of weeks, reading in other formats was very uncomfortable, as well.)
Just read that too. I hope you're able to get it. I think you would like it. :-)
Nice little spammer we (and a couple of other groups, at least) got overnight, eh?
Not sure what he was hoping to achieve, but he was blocked & deleted quickly!
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