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Discussion: How do I edit my feed?
posts: 4 views: 537 last post: 11 years ago
created by: Moira
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Over on The Site That Will Not Be Named, I could be 'friends' with someone but filter them out of my feed -- I could follow top friends, and also make custom filters. Is that possible here?

I already got the answer that I can see either 'reviews' or 'all posts' by someone but that's not what I'm asking.
I believe it is currently not possible, but I would really be interested to hear what BookLikes says about this and also add that I would find the ability to filter extremely useful. However, the filters on GRAmazon never worked very well for me and I eventually ended up abandoning the feed feature so if we were to have filters over here I would prefer that BL not just copy how filters were done over there.

One of the things that really didn't work for me was that every time you added a new person to your lists it would default add them to the "top" list and then I'd have to click through and change that. Often I would forget and then my feed would fill up with stuff I wasn't interested in from someone I'd just met, or someone who was new to the site and adding a lot of content as they set up their profile. That was one of several things that didn't work for me.

Just trying to give BL some information to work from in case they decide they want to add such a feature.
I'd like to hide posts that aren't of interest to me. Facebook has this feature. Doesn't mean I want to unfollow that person but I may not be interested in everything they post so it'd enable us to keep only what we want to see in our dashboard.
Hi all. Just wanted to let you know that we're planning some changes to Dash and feed as well as presenting BL community. This thread was also inspiration for us. Thank you for all suggestions.
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