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Discussion: 2017-09-15 - 2017-09-30: The Thin Man - Dashiell Hammett
posts: 13 views: 1003 last post: 8 years ago
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Reply to post #14 (show post):

I may try Chandler then cause this book didn't impress me.
Reply to post #15 (show post):

I think Moonlight nailed it calling her a manic pixie cool girl.
Whose taking bets that the Wynant family came to a bad end?
Reply to post #18 (show post):

I don't think that their long-term survival, post-book is good. They do put the dis into functional family.
Reply to post #16 (show post):

My plans from the beginning were The Big Sleep for Classic Noir.
Reply to post #20 (show post):

Is it any good? I do want to try it again, but Hammett may be a no go situation for me.
I don't know, as I haven't read Chandler before. Taking my father's recommendation on this one.
Reply to post #22 (show post):

After the mess of The Thin Man I rather read anything else at this point.
I would be willing to give Hammett another chance, but I really do think that some of things that I disliked about the book are endemic to noir - I'm not sure that I will ever be satisfied with the treatment of women characters. Character development doesn't really seem to be the focus of noir.
I'm with you Moonlight, which is why I mostly stay away from the genre save for a dip here and there for those hailed as classics. Keeping the horizons broadened, or something like that.

That said, I'm all for another group read. I don't think I've ever read Chandler, though it's a name much bandied about.
Reply to post #24 (show post):

Ehh, maybe I should skip noir. I read some modern noir (the Harry Bosch series) but I don't remember wondering if everyone was an alcoholic.
Reply to post #26 (show post):

I do love some modern noir (Nordic noir, tartan noir, granite noir, etc). But it's so different from the classic noir because the modern writers focus so much on character development and psychology that they barely resemble one another. Even when the characters are troubled, alcoholism and other dysfunction isn't presented in the same way. It's a much more realistic look at substance abuse, mental illness, etc.
Reply to post #27 (show post):

That's a good point. I kept hoping Nick met a bad end. And took half the characters with him.
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